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Twin Flames Romance Reading: Expansion of Deep Love Oct 12th, 2017

Writer's picture: Aldyn RichmondAldyn Richmond

From Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot Deck

"Forgiveness brings no little miracles to lay before the gate of Heaven. Here the Son of God himself comes to receive each gift that brings him nearer to his home. Not one is lost, and none is cherished more than any other. Each reminds him of his Father's Love as surely as the rest. And each one teaches him that what he feared he loves the most. What but a miracle could change his mind, so that he understands that love cannot be feared? What other miracle is there but this? And what else need there be to make the space between you disappear?"

-From Chapter 26, A Course in Miracles

I've had a hard time getting going with writing this out this week, I blame it on the firestorm where I am because that's pretty much what has been going on in my life. As the week has gone on, in various ways I've seen the theme of forgiveness come to the forefront and when you truly forgive you can easily find the love that you've been searching for.

What is forgiveness and who is it in your life that needs to be forgiven? This may not sound like that that romantic of a question initially, but doesn't it sound so much hotter to be with your Divine Compliment without any illusion of separation between you? If you've been holding onto judgements about your Twin Flame, blame, guilt, shame, or the idea that somehow you two are unequal, choose to surrender and choose to forgive. Forgive yourself for everything and forgive them for everything -- choose to be free. Forgive yourself for holding on to illusions and allow the healing light of love to penetrate and expand into places within that reveal themselves to you at this time. With Jupiter entering Scorpio this week, it can be easier to open up about the lesser known parts of ourselves; the things about ourselves we don't usually share. This isn't a time to hide, it is a time to find your kin and connect in authentic ways that elevate everyone and are enjoyable.

The Mars-Saturn-Chiron T square might help us to put our action, passion, and practicality all at once into healing ourselves and others by simply showing up with our natural gifts. Chiron represents the wounded healer and with the Jupiter in Scorpio it can be easier to see the light of what we may have thought at one time was the scariest wound of all...healed it can be one of our greatest strengths and guide us in our life purpose.

The moon this week begins in Gemini and we may have found our deep desires to socialize and bond with those around us on a more grounded level coming out this week. The moon moved into Cancer mid week and this can help to give you a fresh perspective of feeling at home in your heart. One of Jeff and Shaleia's video's talks about claiming Earth as your home planet, interestingly I happened to watch that video while the moon was in Cancer and felt healed and at home on a whole new level. When you feel at home where you are, no matter the circumstances, you can embody yourself fully. This is extremely powerful and it attracts your Twin Flame to you, because you've claimed yourself and your divine connection to all of creation in the here and now.

Toward the end of the week the moon moves into Leo and also Venus enters her home sign, Libra! This is a great time to take a serious look at where we've been experiencing escapism as a way to numb out our authentic selves. Often times escapism and fantasy aren't as pleasant as they sound...actually they never are! How have you been holding yourself separate from love? Do you fully recognize that this separation is an illusion? This is a great time to make a new choice and it might be that circumstances around you are manifesting in such a way that you can easily recognize old patterns that no longer serve you as newness enters and guides you in unforeseen ways.

The spiritual work that you have put in really does "pay off" and connecting more sensually and intimately with your twin flame may be easier at this time, whether that is in your heartspace or also in your physical union with them, a deeper love is recognized and enjoyed. Archangel Michael can help you remove blocks and clear out stagnant energy so that you can vibe higher, he helps to nurture your relationship to your Divine Mother and Father God who you can always communicate with directly as your soul desires. Pay attention to signs and symbols and savor the experience of interacting with the world around you, no need to contrive anything when you are co-creating with Heaven and lustrously rooting down into stable love.

My Twin Flame Oracle Card & Astrology video below provides further details and insight into this week's reading ~ Enjoy:

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