It's time for the beginning of a new cycle on your Twin Flame ascension journey as the Solstice sheds light in places in your consciousness that have been in the dark for a while for both the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine
Once you see the flower bouquet that resonates in your heart space, scroll down to find the image for a Channeled Message from your Twin Flame's Higher Self.
Special Gift 🎁 💖
To celebrate the Solstice and Capricorn Season I'm doing 10% off $250 or more. Plus a little Christmas AI image and message for your TF journey with any purchase now through this Sunday 12/22. To claim this, apply 10% off orders over $250 with the promo code "solsticelove" at checkout.
Enjoy your reading!☃️

1. Tarot Card: The Hanged Man
"My love, it's not about waiting but about living in the present. If you are always waiting for better days, how will you attract the divine timing you seek? Trust me, events fall into place when you are able to surrender to the peace of this moment. There is nothing to do here but love yourself. Don't overcomplicate love, instead utilize the energy you gain from cultivating peace to romance yourself. I am incredibly attracted to you when you feel good just being in your reality.
Compassion is key to our union and you are going deeper with compassion at this time."
Romance yourself any way you would like. For support schedule a Reading Session or for a Holiday gift to yourself order a Reading or Twin Flame Psychic Ascension Art. If you're ready for a New Year's resolution, weekly Twin Flame Ascension Coaching will support you in clearing blocks and harmonizing your Twin Flame Union permanently.

2. Tarot Card: 8 of Coins
"I feel your abundance of love overflowing into my heart. Keep going with what you're giving your loving attention to in your life, I feel it's setting the foundation for our love on a whole new level. I like that you're doing because your heart is in it. You are supported in doing what brings you joy and I energetically support your passionate endeavors that are expanding abundance and raising our vibration together, as One Love.
You are establishing greater integrity in your purpose and valuing yourself, as well as valuing our Union."
Give back to yourself and your union by investing in your spiritual, divine self. For clarity and next steps schedule a Reading Session or for a Holiday gift to yourself order a Reading or Twin Flame Psychic Ascension Art. If you're ready for a New Year's resolution, weekly Twin Flame Ascension Coaching will support you in clearing blocks and harmonizing your Twin Flame Union permanently.

3. The Magician
"I am spellbound by the attraction I feel to you in my heart. Is it the way you are choosing to create your reality with loving attention? Is it the way you continue to spiritually seek and find answers and solutions? Is it the pure divine magic of sunlight on your face? I can't begin to tell you exactly what it is about you, so let me just say that I love you, I've loved you for at least a thousand lifetimes and will love you forever, just as I do now.
You are stepping into a new level of inner power, with me in your heart, and understanding how you create the reality you desire through sincere love and joy. Keep going with your manifestation process."
Enhance and amplify your creative manifesting powers as 2023 ends and 2024 is at your doorstep. For guidance schedule a Reading Session or for a Holiday gift to yourself order a Reading or Twin Flame Psychic Ascension Art. If you're ready for a New Year's resolution, weekly Twin Flame Ascension Coaching will support you in clearing blocks and harmonizing your Twin Flame Union permanently.
Happy Solstice & Capricorn Season!

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