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Twin Flame Mirror Energy & Chakra Card Reading: Cultivating Purpose and Peace for Union

Writer's picture: Aldyn RichmondAldyn Richmond

Have you ever had a dream so big, that you just don't know where to start? It seems unlikely that you'll be able to accomplish those last few steps from where you stand, of getting to that "higher ground." The last few steps though, like choosing the furniture for your new dream home, putting the star on top of your magazine-worthy Christmas tree, or traveling in style with your Twin Flame to your dream destinations, isn't what gets you most of the way there. And, once you do get to that step, there's going to be plenty more in front of you, your life doesn't end with fulfilling your current goals - it just ushers in a new chapter.

The card I pulled for this reading, going into the last weekend of November, is from Rachelle Charman's Chakra Reading Cards deck is representative of Throat Chakra energy and your life purpose. It's a reminder that walking through that next light-filled gateway of your aspirations is only going to require that you take the next step, it's not about doing something special, its about doing what is put forth and presented to you at this time to do. Share from where you are at now. Have you put much thought into what easily gets your attention on social media, at the store, and other places people are sharing their purpose and value with you? Although fancy and impressive things probably turn your head, and are something you may invest in depending on a number of factors, it's most likely that the majority of your time, attention, and financial investments go into the simple things in life. How valuable is a good laugh, when you're feeling emotionally stuck? How valuable is a beautiful picture of a rose from someone's yard when you're scrolling and desiring more nature and romance in your life? You don't need to dress up and take a posed picture of yourself and spend all day writing out your deepest thoughts and life lessons to be purposeful. If you feel truly called to do that, go for it! What I notice is that people are inspired when I share what brings me joy and peace.

Exploring on your life purpose journey can bring you a lot of inner fulfillment because you are choosing to answer those questions in the back of your mind and get clear on the desires you have in your heart. Like if you think you would like your own healing sanctuary someday, you could start by sharing what you do in your home regularly to help you heal, or to make it feel like a sanctuary. You may come to a place where you feel good about just doing that and moving your purpose in a different direction, or perhaps it will be the fuel of your fire to have the most beautiful healing sanctuary there ever was that is widely sought after. But if you keep a desire to explore what makes you feel creative and good bottled up, thinking you'll see about it when you have more ... x,y,z, then you're really just putting yourself on the back-burner. There's a difference between suppressing the calling you feel to take an action step, and feeling into an idea you have for yourself, but not yet receiving the calling to move it forward in any way. It's important to get clear if you feel called to take a next step, whether it looks big or small on the outside, and if you do then get started!

When you answer the call within yourself that the divine is directing you toward, you'll feel more peace and union within. This shows the universe that you are choosing Union, not separation from yourself, in this area. See how this is being mirrored to you by your Twin Flame, levels of support and abundance, and in other ways, but mainly in doing an honest assessment of how you are feeling and what emotions you are feeling through at this time. It always helps to know too, that no matter what you are doing in your life, you can create your purpose within it, which will support you in calling in your next step. For instance, if you work at store and desire to be an interior designer, then you might be the go-to person for building a beautiful end-cap display. Don't take the offers that the divine gives to you lightly, be grateful and chisel away at the beauty and richness you are sculpting.

One of the most helpful things I find for unlocking creative potential on your life purpose journey is ... getting creative yourself. That's why I'm now offering 2 Group Sessions on Saturdays of Ascension Art for your life purpose and Twin Flame journey. To kick it off and be in the flow of all of the sales happening this week, you can currently join for 4 weeks at a time (that's 4 consecutive weeks of 1-hour Group Sessions) for only $49.99. Cultivate your natural love for the arts and artistic talent, and feel flowing peace with each class. Also, remember to continue to invest in your foundation by regularly watching Life Purpose class, where Jeff & Shaleia walk you through how to co-create abundance by living your soul's true purpose. If you haven't yet invested in Life Purpose Class, I can't recommend it highly enough for your journey into Perfect Union and Ascension.

And if you enjoy channeled Romance Readings, subscribe to my email list for exclusive content AND right now, you'll also receive a sneak peak at my Twin Flame Romance Coloring Book and be able to download the first few pages to color for FREE when you subscribe. Coloring is a fun, relaxing, and easy way to enhance your manifestation process and romance yourself.

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