This is the very first Full Moon of 2023, traditionally known as the Wolf Moon, and in the zodiac sign of Cancer, it is here to light up your heart and lead you to a greater understanding of the value of your feelings when it comes to emotional healing and manifestation.
To support you in receiving the fullness of healing that the energy surrounding this Full Moon has to offer, schedule a reading or a coaching session.
This Full Moon comes in the middle of Mercury retrograde in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. How can you use this to your advantage?
Take it as an extra boost of awareness as to how you can communicate the message your soul is designed to express. This boosted awareness will also help you if you find yourself having a harder time than usual in your day-to-day communication. Everything in your reality can be a teaching tool and a form of love for your Twin Flame ascension if you can accept seeing it as such.
When you are able to access and embody your soul design, you’ll have an easier time being supported in living your life purpose, meaning you’ll feel abundance flowing to you and also desire to share and grow that abundance. Any blocks arising at this time around communication can be a huge asset to you once you work your way through to dissolving them in your consciousness.
With Venus in Aquarius at this time, and the modern ruler of Aquarius being the planet known for sudden change, and electric energy, Uranus, there can be some sudden or unexpected changes that result from practicing unconditional and unattached love as you harmonize with your higher self and your Harmonious Twin Flame Union within - change is always a good thing that you can welcome as providing the next step to you on your journey.
When you put the divine first, you become clearer in the direction your heart is guiding you and are able to clear away the blocks that stand between you and the life built on your true core desires.
There’s quite a lot of momentum that Spirit invites you to utilize at the time of this Full Moon in Cancer to both clear blocks, and expand what feels peaceful in your life, at a pace that feels good to you. Sometimes doing the inner work, like going through the steps of the Mirror Exercise, is at first only inwardly rewarding, while at other times will result in immediate changes to your outer reality as well.
Mars in Gemini is also finishing its retrograde period and has been taking you deeper into various passions related to your life purpose and how you act on expressing yourself. With the introspective emphasis that retrograding planets tend to bring, it’s essential to have faith and trust the inner process and place your focus on cultivating peace within. This will provide you with the energy required to move into your next level of transformation on your Twin Flame journey.
The cards pulled for this illuminating Wolf Moon are from the Angel Tarot by Doreen Virtue. The overall message here is of energy that is positive and transformative - guiding you to deeper levels of inner awareness and peace. Archangel Chamuel is known for his support and guidance in leading you to true love and romance on your Twin Flame journey.
The middle card and last card are in different elements but have a similar theme of being rewarded for recent accomplishments with feelings of peace, abundance, and contentment. Nine of Earth suggests the end of a cycle that is grounding, while Two of Water represents interrelational emotional healing. Two of Water is not only about feeling closer with your Twin Flame, but also about how you navigate all of your relationships and the message is one of harmonious interactions. You can even learn to create harmony where it seems there is conflict by mastering your own energy field, as you do this and practice the Mirror Exercise, you’ll be sure to root out anything that is attracting any conflict to you because you’ll no longer be plugged into that vibration.
Lastly, the energy indicated in this Full Moon reading reminds you to replace any worrying or doubts you may have about the future with living in the present. This doesn’t mean being overly extravagant now, that wouldn’t be peaceful. It means making the most of what is right in front of you and inviting the love of Divine Spirit into your heart to energize you and provide you with your next step at this time.
Remember that Spirit comes from within, and also comes through your Twin Flame loving you, communications with others, plants, animals, and essentially all that is real. When you are open to connecting with Spirit, you’ll feel love flowing in your life, like the lit-up Full Moon dancing on ripples of the water at a beach.
Embrace this time of emotional healing for yourself and your Twin Flame Union.
To experience healing easily and with full support, schedule weekly coaching. As clients do the inner work and are guided through it, breakthroughs happen. If you'd like to harmonize your union and clear blocks standing in your way, Twin Flame Ascension Coaching is essential.
For further insight into your Twin Flame journey through January, watch this reading with channeled guidance from the Divine Masculine energy of your Twin Flame Union:
Loving blessings to you and your Twin Flame during the first Full Moon of 2023. 💖
Subscribe to my Romance Reading Newsletter for free and receive additional guidance on clearing romantic blocks to your Twin Flame Union.
If you’d like to have me provide readings at your next virtual event, or live in Southern California, contact me for details.
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