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There are many valuable resources available to you on your Twin Flame journey through the larger body of work taught by Jeff & Shaleia.  Twin Flames Universe offers products and memberships that, along with coaching, are meant to fully support your ascension journey.

When you sign up for a membership, and also invest in products that help guide you into harmony with your true Twin Flame and life purpose and have me as your referral, you'll receive free coaching and/or readings with me depending on what product or membership you are investing in.  

There are plenty of free resources to get started with as well. 

Check out Twin Flames Universe to see all of the products and support available to you.  I've also included further links below.  This is a list of what you'll receive for free from me to support your ascension journey, just by investing in the work that has changed my life, and guarantees results to you.  Simply write my name down as your referral when you sign up for any of these life-transforming teachings to fully support your

Harmonious Twin Flame Union:

Everything Package:

4 1-Hour Coaching Sessions

+ Romance Reading when it’s a Lifetime Membership

(Must be used within 2 months of purchase)

All Class Pass (Twin Flame Ascension School):

2 1-Hour Coaching Sessions 

+Romance reading when it’s a Lifetime Membership

(Must be used within 1 month of purchase)


One Class Pass (Twin Flame Ascension School):

1 1-Hour Coaching Session

+Romance reading when it’s a Lifetime Membership

(Must be used within 1 month of purchase)


Life Purpose Class:

2 Coaching Sessions

+Life Purpose reading when it’s a Lifetime Membership

(Must be used within 1 month of purchase)


Twin Flame Ascension School Sermons

2 Intuitively Channeled Emails

(Must be used within 1 month of purchase)


Life Purpose Class Sermons

1 Intuitively Channeled Email

(Must be used within 1 month of purchase)

Dreams Coming True

2 Intuitively Channeled Emails

(Must be used within 1 month of purchase)

Romance Attraction

3-Card Romance Mini-Reading

(Emailed within 1 business week of purchase)

Toronto Talks

1- Card Mini-Reading

(Emailed within 1 business week of purchase)

Book a Discovery Session to fully understand the transformative power of what this work can do for you!

Anchor 1

The Mirror Exercise

Here are the basic steps of the Mirror Exercise, if you want to become truly mastered at the Mirror Exercise though, then read the book Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover by Jeff and Shaleia. There's a complete chapter dedicated to explaining how to perfect this exercise, including the visualization exercise mentioned in Step Four. This comes straight from the book:


Step One: Describe in one concise sentence the upset you are experiencing.


Step Two: Write the sentence all over again, but switch all the nouns to pronouns to point to yourself.


Step Three: Ask yourself, "Is there ANY truth to this statement?" The answer is always "Yes."


Step Four: Speak to the part of yourself causing the upset and love yourself until you experience peace, relief, and completion within. Do the visualization exercise to further this healing if need be.

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